* Apply Strategy C which provides an approach how to identify regulated substances relevant for a branch * Check PACT to identify regulations expected: https://echa.europa.eu/pact * Check ECHA legislation finder EUCLEF to get an overview of regulations applicable for the substance: https://echa.europa.eu/legislation-finder * [[https://www.syke.fi/en-US/Research__Development/Research_and_development_projects/Projects/Hazardous_industrial_chemicals_in_the_IED_BREFs_HAZBREF/Publications|WP 3.2 report]] with an overview where to find information on regulatory status * SIN List: The SIN List consists of hazardous chemicals. It implies that these chemicals should be removed as soon as possible as they pose in the opinion of ChemSec a threat to human health and the environment. https://chemsec.org/business-tool/sin-list/ [[ia2|Back to Scheme]]