E: The substance is regarded as absorbtiv (the substance is
not mobile) if the following parameter are met. In this case
the decision is to be answered with yes:
• Adsorptivity log K oc ≤ 4 (L/kg or dimensionless), test
guideline OECD 106 or OECD 121 (HPLC-method) or
calculation from log K ow . The organic carbon / water
partition coefficient may only be measured or calculated
for non-ionisable organic chemicals.
• Octanol-water distribution ratio log D ow ≤ 4
(dimensionless, calculation from log K ow and pK a ). The
octanol-water distribution ratio (D ow ) is a measure of K ow
that accounts for the pH dependency of an ionisable
organic chemical, and is a measure of the distribution of
dissociated and non-dissociated species in octanol and
water as a function of pH (ECETOC Technical Report 123
(2014) – Environmental risk assessment of ionisable
compounds (https://www.ecetoc.org/publication/tr-123-environmental-risk-assessment-of-ionisable-compounds/), Section “Partition coefficient (K OW ) and
distribution ratio (D OW )